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For parents of children four months and up in crib or bed.

597 US dollars

Pre-Requisite: Free 15-Minute Phone Call Evaluation of your child's sleep environment, schedule, routines, and other variables that contribute to sleep. 60-Minute virtual Zoom consultation to discuss suggested adjustments based on the evaluation and options for your level of involvement with help choosing based on your comfort level and your child's temperament. Customized sleep plan and strategy to address the individual needs of your child, created by me based on our discussion during the consultation. Daily Connect profile to log your child's sleep. Twenty-one days of daily text and email support with phone calls as needed to help you implement the plan correctly, provide reassurance when needed, advise when troubleshooting, answer any questions you might have, and cheer you on to become a sleep pro for your baby. Scheduled 15-minute wrap-up call at the end of our time together to discuss sleep expectations for the future and any last-minute questions you might have.

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