Has your little one been unusually fussy lately? Sleep all out of whack?
Either one of the naps goes really well while another one gets thrown off or naps are great but bedtime is a hot mess.
And while you know your child needs better sleep, you can't quite figure out if the sleep struggles are what is causing the fussiness or if whatever might be causing the fussiness is contributing to the sleep struggles!
Here are some quick tips for what to consider when trying to pinpoint why your poor baby is fussy and tired yet not sleeping well.
1 - Speak to your pediatrician to check for any illnesses. While obviously not limited to this, one of the biggest culprits related to illness that I see throwing off sleep are ear infections.
2 - Check for teething. Note that teeth do not have to be popping through the gums for this to bother your little one.
3 - Analyze your child's schedule. Make sure you are being your child's time keeper rather than expecting them to go with the flow.
4 - Evaluate the areas of ESRA+ as I always mention!
And if you've looked at almost everything, it might be time to consider whether or not your child is ready to drop a nap!
With this freebie, you'll learn:
> what to consider prior to dropping a nap
> the order in which to drop naps
> the age ranges for dropping each nap
> what signs indicate your child is potentially ready to drop a nap.